And both what Lani and Jo Ann said is extremely true. He had hookworms, and was on the Panacur, and those worms almost killed him. I took him to the vet when he was diagnosed, and then he didn't seem to get better so I took him BACK to the vet a second time and he was pretty badly dehydrated, wouldn't respond to the food they were giving him (didn't want to swallow), they gave him SQ fluids, and he didn't even perk up from that. His body temperature was only 94degrees, which is from him not having enough food in him to produce the metabolisim (sp?) to maintain it. And that was from not eating enough, it was a downward spiral. At that point they put him under heat lights and FORCED him (even though he didn't want to swallow it) to eat, and he as in there under supportive care for about 2 hours, when they called me in and told me that I really needed to realize where this was going. He was doing terrible, and he had about a 40% chance of making it through. She said he was just dying, and if he didn't turn around in 24 hours after all this treatment then I really neeeded to think about if I was just prolonging the inevitable. You know your chinny is not doing well when he just layes there on the table - not wanting to run away, not wanting to hop, nothing. Just lying there.
Well it was at that point that I called Jo Ann AGAIN (lol) and she talked to Lani about it. Basically she told me not to give up, that since he was still eating he hadn't given up either. And she was right! He kept going and kept eating, and taking his medicines like he was supposed to, and by some God sent miracle, he pulled through. He's still a little lighter then before all this started, but he has pretty much made a full comeback.
It went like this from the night before I took him to the vet the first time, and ya know why I thought something was wrong? He wouldn't take a raisin. Can you imagine if I would have waited for him to look sick? I would have been wayyyyyyyyyyyy to late.
So - I guess its just a long story with a short point - Anytime you think something's wrong, GO WITH YOUR GUT!
