I took in 2 standrad grey rescues before Christmas that looked so very different from my own greys.
Their fur had such an agouti pattern they looked like zebras, and the under fur is thicker and softer than mine.
Their eyes are very close together, and the blues ring, or the whites of the eyes are more visable than I have been seeing.
After dusting in blue cloud they started looking much better, but still different.
Once they were settled I gave them a good going over and noticed that their ears had a coating on them.
Like old dry dead skin covering the whole ear.
Hmmm I couldn't have that and tried a little damp cloth but it hardly budged it.
I went looking for some oil to try and found some skin so soft from Avon.
Well you should have seen what came off. It was a thick layer of what looked like dirt and old dead skin.
But it cleaned off with the SSS with ease.
What would cause such a mess on their ears?

How would their ears pick up dirt?
Could it have been from high humidity?

One is the Dad of the other, the Dad had an ear tag, and was purchased as a breeder.

Not the type I would breed, I don't like the eyes that close together, gives them a rat face.