Well my female chin is smaller than my male. He looks healthy and well but my female is really skinny. i got my female chin from my boyfriends cousin but before that she was with another owner who i think treated her badly im not so sure of her proper origin. they do cuddle together but sometimes u hear them having little arguments its nothing serious or i would seperate them do u think i should? my male chin was bought from a pet store and has been fine since the first day i got him i think he is about 2and a half yrs and my female well she is definatly older but im not sure how much older. ermm i have a another question. when i sort there cage or give them treats my male chin always comes over and jumps on my hands and he lets me take him out but most times when i hold him he wriggles and trys to get away why is he doing this? thats another thing to my female never comes to me. i always have to coax her with treats. i try to spend alot of time with them so they will trust me and my male does but my female doesnt i dont get it? i think shes came to me once and then struggled so much i had to put her back in the cage. i was kinda thinking that my male could be bullying her. ive seen him grab food from her before but thats about it and thats normally why they argue cause he does that but they still cuddle with each other all the time im really confused.