When I got my chin from the petstore, they didnt tell me what kind of hay or pellets they used. I know they probably used timothy hay but it wasn't green at all. They used big pellets too but still, never mentioned to me "don't get the stuff with all the treats in it." So he's been recieving the treaty stuff but he only eats like a big oat out of it and the pellet, and some sort of seed they put in it. Tonight I am going to the pet store to get regular pellets, no matter what brand of chin food, it's better than this fiesta junk. But I will try to get alfalfa based because I feed him timothy hay.
I also feed him orchad hay, a small bit, which I believe is high in fiber. Oats I believe are used for fiber, correct? I am trying to find an oat/herb I can feed him that I can find in the pet store as an alternative to ordering online because I simply can't afford that s/h.
The question I had was "since he was originally on pellets should I just swap to the regular pellets"?
And, just for fun, here's my shopping list for my baby.
PVC Pipe
Timothy OR Alfalfa Cubes (for a treat)
Lava Bites
Bottle Water
Taller Play Pen (I have a small one)
Possible Play Pen Bottom
Rose Hips (Don't know where to get them)
Oats/Herb Food Source
Storage Bin For Hay
Storage Bin For Pellets
Tiles to create a cooling spot on the bottom of the cage. I will get the ones with the glue, to glue to the bottom of the cage, unless I can find ones that are very heavy.