I am so sorry if I offended you ... it seemed so strange for you to say what you did, after you were worried that she might have been pregnant when you got her. You seem much to intelligent to do what we were "thinking" you had done ...
that's why I put it in the form of a question instead of a statement.
Anybody that has been on the forum for a while, knows how I can come across when/if I think they are really doing something stupid that would harm a chinchilla ... believe me, it is not in a question form at all. Nor is it nice ... and ... I usually try to go about it in a nice way first, then if that does not seem to work, the bottom falls out and the top blows off.
I'm 100% for the chinchillas.
Another note to all: Most ranch runs (where a male has access to several females) has the run (like a hall way made of wire) that is above or behind the back of the female's cages. Each female has a little door/hole that can be open so that the male can visit, or closed off to keep him away from the female. The reason the run is above or at the top back of the cage is so that they can not mate through the wires. If the run were at the bottom back of the cage, or if 2 cages were joined together by a wire wall, the male and female chinchilla could still mate through the wire. They are ingenious little critters when they want something bad enough!
Jo Ann