Hi All!
Sure, but we would need a few people that could be moderators because I won't be able to make each one. ... Anyone who wants to agree to be a chat moderator is welcome to host a chat.
Moderators MUST be adults ... sorry, adults-to-be, but responsibility for a chat room will have to be carried by an adult.
We can then list it on the Forum calendar.
Where is the Forum Calendar?
keep the chat room friendly and family-friendly (age appropriate for the people chatting)
None of the shenanigans like the other night. The more volunteers we have to be chat room moderators, the more diverse we can be with times we can have chats.
If you have a special time you would enjoy being in the chat room, like Sweetnessheart on Tuesday night ... that would the time you would like to volunteer for moderating ... wouldn't you?? Now, come on, we need more volunteers!
Keep in mind ... it can be once a month or any number of times you know you can be there.
They can be on a special subject or just general chat or both. Moderator sets the topic.
Jamie, correct any part that I might have stuck my foot in my mouth, please.
Jo Ann [/i]