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Author Topic: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!  (Read 6586 times)

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Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« on: March 03, 2010, 06:33:09 PM »

Yesterday Dewey was happy & spunky...he did free run for 2 hours and slept well through the night. This afternoon when I got home from work his pellet bowl was mostly empty, so he's been eating. But his nose was DRIPPING wet with a clear mucus. All down his chin, and even his little hands were wet! There was a big smear of mucus across one ledge in his cage too.
I took him out and used a tissue to gently dab his nose & hands dry, then I put him back and gave him a "cookie" (plain shredded wheat), which he ate fine as well.

I called the vet, and scheduled him in for Friday evening, but they are gonna TRY to squeeze him in tomorrow. Hopefully they can! I put up a barrier between he & Daisy's cages. So hopefully whatever is wrong with him, she doesn't get as well.

Just wanted some info/advice from the experts in the meantime... does this sound like a cold? Or is it a sign of another problem? Is there anything beneficial I can do for him while we're waiting to see the vet?


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 06:58:08 PM »

to me, it sounds like an upper respiratory infection but i haven't dealt with this. if it is though, they'll probably give him an antibiotic depending on how severe it is. are there any other symptoms? good luck at the vet! hopefully its nothing too serious and Dewey is healthy soon :)


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 08:27:07 PM »

No other symptoms that I have noticed. Just SUPER runny nose.
Hmm... I wonder if he caught a draft.
At like 5 AM this morning I got hot, and opened the bedroom window just a crack... it only cooled the room from 70 to 68... so it wasn't like it got COLD... but maybe a cool draft hit him and made him sick?

I've always read a chinchilla needs to be kept out of drafts, but I thought it was more along the lines of not letting them get COLD (as in below 65 degrees)... can a chilly breeze sneaking in really cause illness? Daisy seems fine! (Of course she also runs almost constantly...maybe she kept herself warm!  :)

I just hope it's a good vet who ACTUALLY knows something about chinchillas...rather than just treating them the same as rabbits and other small furries. This will be the 3rd vet Dewey has seen since I got him last June!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 08:29:20 PM by LindyLu »


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2010, 09:20:16 AM »

he definitely could have caught a draft if there was wind coming in and it hit him directly. hope not though! be sure to let me know what the vet says  ::nod::


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2010, 01:03:25 PM »

Well the vet hasn't called me yet today, so I guess they couldn't squeeze Dewey in this afternoon. So we'll see him tomorrow evening. It already looks like the runny nose is clearing up... Dewey slept most the night again, but he DID eat & drink water too. I kept the window shut, the room was about 70 all night.
Thank you for the concern. I will be sure to update!

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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2010, 09:08:47 AM »

Yes I can't wait to hear what the vet says, I haven't seen that one yet. Must be an infection.

The poor little darling, hugs.


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2010, 01:35:14 PM »

His nose is clean now, but his eye has goop in the corner. So it probably is an infection of some sort. I weighed him last night, and he'd lost 22 grams since last week! Of course as soon as I put him back in his cage, he hopped up on his food dish and started maybe he just hadn't eaten in a few hours and put at least SOME of that weight back on.
He see's the vet in 5.5 hours! I am going to be sure to let him know about the weight loss along with the symptoms, and I packed his eye drops we got last Summer so the vet could see what I have been using on him. *Still keeping fingers crossed this vet knows a LOT about chinchillas*! I need a GOOD vet! And this one is close to where I live! So it'd be nice if he's good! LOL


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2010, 10:28:20 PM »

Okay... vet said the runny nose was probably a little virus, that Dewey likely caught from Daisy...who may have already been exposed to and gotten immune to before coming here. And now Dewey should be immune to it too. But his lungs were clear.

He said his eye is likely a clogged tear duct. That it's just something Dewey must have had since birth and I can treat it by wiping it with a warm rag/cotton ball, and by lubricating it (just regular human eye drops). As long as the discharge from his eye stays white, no worries. If it turns green or yellow OR if his runny nose comes back in green or yellow...then I should take him back. But it's usually white, so must be his clogged tear duct.

Another interesting thing he told me was the same stuff the first vet told me... feed him "water filled greens"... roughage. He said a diet of pellets & hay isn't healthy for chinchillas...that their GI tract will get used to it, but they won't be as healthy as possible or live as long as possible. He encouraged me to try many different things to find out what my chins like because chins can have texture issues with food... but I SHOULD give him fruits/veggies.  I told him that everything I've read from all the "expert chinchilla breeders/owners" online says NOT to give them these things...but he insisted that he's studied it, he's seen it first hand, he's watched what happens to chinchillas on different diets, etc...and that he, as a doctor often has to FIGHT the internet to get the proper info out there. I said that roughage might make my chins sick because they are not used to it...that they are happy with their pellets... he said it might change their stools...but that it would be a good change. He talked about chinchillas in the wild and what they eat...*shrugs*.  We talked a lot about chinchillas in general and I told him what happened with Schroeder and my previous vet experience...and he was really upset at how my previous vet handled Schroeders illness. "That makes me mad" he said. He seemed VERY knowledgeable about chinchilla health and how their systems work. So...I guess I am gonna get some carrot tops, beet tops, watercress, etc....and see what my chins might like!

In the meantime I'm just happy Dewey's little runny nose is clearing up and was nothing major. That his damp eye is just a common problem that's easy to solve, and that I no longer have to keep the barrier up between the chins! They'll be happy to see each other again after 3 days! :)

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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2010, 03:10:07 PM »

Well yes that's good news.

I'm not so sure one the feeding advise, but don't think any of what you mentioned would be a problem.
Jo Anne gives hers fresh fruit, mine don't bother with it.

Anyone else tried veggies?


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2010, 04:39:38 PM »

I've offered kale, dill, strawberry tops, and fresh apple ...they won't eat any of it.
Carrot tops and beet tops are not easy to find in stores!


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2010, 11:03:43 PM »

I posted this in my weight topic...but I'll post again here.
His runny nose came back today! My husband has pretty bad allergies this time of year, and suggested maybe Dewey has allergies too. Is it possible for chinchillas to get seasonal allergies?

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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2010, 11:13:11 AM »

Not that I've heard of, but anything is possible.


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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2010, 05:58:12 PM »

Okay... I've decided after today that it's not a runny nose. It's DROOL. He rubs it around with his little hands, and that made it look like it was coming from his nose... but after watching his behavior for the past few weeks...I don't think he's sick. I just think he's having tooth problems.
He had lost his appetite...but it wasn't that he didn't want to eat, he would TRY. He'd cock his head to the side and drop the pellets often though; as if it were painful. Then I started him on the Critical Care and he LOVES it. He put his mouth right over the syringe and wants more! And he has always been drinking water just fine.
So after I fed him today, I peaked into his mouth. Looks like one of his bottom teeth is rotten or something. 1 tooth looks as it should...strong & tall & yellow/orange in color. But the tooth next to it is shorter and a dirty white color. I didn't look at his top teeth because he was getting squirmy & upset. But I did call the vet and arrange for a tooth check tomorrow at 6 pm! Hopefully they can repair the damage or whatever it is they do for bad teeth....and get him eating on his own again soon!!

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Re: Dewey has a RUNNY NOSE!
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2010, 12:52:29 PM »

That does sound like teeth, or even something stuck between them.
 If it's causing him pain he can't eat.
In that case I have found the soft feedings are eagerly taken.
You can even try making a mush in his dish. Soak some pellets in a pediolite, or even a drop of sugar water.
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