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Author Topic: Friendly Hellos to Everyone...I'm new here!  (Read 3039 times)

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Friendly Hellos to Everyone...I'm new here!
« on: March 16, 2010, 06:15:10 PM »

I'm new here and presently have just the one chin munchkin. I have (3) daughters, (12) ferrets; show most of them, huge part of family and traveling for shows. Finally decided to get a chin, sadly there were no reputable breeders within a practical radius of me, so we opted for this pet store munchkin. In addition to all the homework I have done beforehand as to not "get on a whim!" I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here and their munchkins, and learning as much as possible to keep him here to his fullest and happiest  :) 

..just incase the 12 ferrets raised some eyebrows, my chin is safe, and is homed in a "no ferret zone" of home. In addition to him, there is (1) rabbit and (1) leopard gecko. The ferrets have their zones of home, ferret proof areas, and their own room. Yes, they are "predators" and I technically have "prey" to them...but our pets are huge part of our family, we have many rules, and measures for safety and still keep them happy and stress free  :)

No chin isn't going to become a super sized "mouse dinner" to my ferrets. Not in a jillion years. Never had any mishaps, injuries, or attacks. They are never in contact with each other.



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Re: Friendly Hellos to Everyone...I'm new here!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 04:28:44 AM »

12 ferrets are rather time-place-&-efforts consuming and smell much yeah?
can you show us photos?

I like to watch different pets communication & interaction though ut requires strong attention...


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Re: Friendly Hellos to Everyone...I'm new here!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 06:15:46 AM »

Welcome to the forum!  We are glad to have you.  As the owner and a very 'hunt happy' kitty I see no problem in owning ferrets and chinchillas.  Its all about safety.   ~Funny story about that.  We put several locks on the chinchilla cage so the cat couldn't get to him, knowing full well she would eat him if she could.  What we didn't count on was the nasty bite she got from the chinchilla when she pushed her nose up to the bars!  :2funny:

I am looking forward to getting to know you and your new chinchilla and maybe learning more about ferrets along the way.  I have always been afraid of their big teeth.  ???

 Lowcountry Chinchillas
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Re: Friendly Hellos to Everyone...I'm new here!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2010, 11:22:44 AM »

hi hi hi...

ferrets did someone say FERRETS.... lol i have two.. i had two years ago also..  and i have to be honest, i am starting to get sick of the smell before it never bothered me.. oh but they are such fun animals.. the war dance, the chuckle they make when they are out playing.. the boxes, plastic tubes... etc. etc.  wow it must be awsome to have 12 out at once playing around, running, war must put a video up... please..

i have to also be honest and say.. my ferrets are in the same room with my chins.. one person said to me once ..oh your chins must be so unhappy and miserable being in the same room blah blah...

well let me say... she has no clue.. they are all in cages, the cages are not on top of each other, when the ferrets have their playtime that door is shut do they can't go in there, and the chins have no reaction to a cage with two ferrets.. what bothers my ferrets is one one is out and the others aren't [they don't all get along so i have to do it separately].  thats the only thing that annoys them.. they are likE. HEY HE'S OUT.. LET ME OUT TOO YOU MEAN PERSON...hahaha

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Re: Friendly Hellos to Everyone...I'm new here!
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2010, 01:30:33 PM »

 ::hither::   so nice to meet you and your zoo.

Yes be sure to post pics of all.
Yes it's too bad about that scent, I have met several ferrets, and they are just the cutest.


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Re: Friendly Hellos to Everyone...I'm new here!
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2010, 03:36:07 PM »

Thanks for all the friendly hello's!!  Gosh, everyone really thinks "stinky" of ferrets it looks. That's only if you don't stay on top of them, in all honesty.  The only "true kickers" is when an in tact hob or jill is in's hormones talkin' and then it's "Whew!" hurry up and be done.  Petstore kids don't smell at all. Their anal glands are removed when they are early spay/neutered. The intact kids "poof" and it's an eye opener, but it dissapates as quickly at it "poofed out!"  I scoop alll litterboxes 3 times daily, every 2 days dump all and disinfect, once a week their entire room gets stripped, wiped down, cleaned, and all hammies/bedding/blankets replaced w/ clean ones.  It's a job to keep on top, but it's a choice you make  ;)  I do vaccuum my home every single when you say they smell, it's becuase of bedding not being changed regularly as it absorbs the hormone musky smell from their coats/skin, or simply not staying on top of litter.  Unless you have intact kids, and stay on top of them...your house won't smell. 

Oh, the biting "fear of their fangs"..if disciplined properly& repetition, no worries! I adopted an awful fear-biter, much bloodshed, won't lie there, I knew what I was getting...took a few months, he's a mama's boy now!!! Sweethearts they are!!

Only (1) ferret is curious to the new chinkin...just wants to sniff the cage out and be overly curious when I allow him over there. "Chinkin"  NO Name yet...feel free to offer "unique suggestions!!!"  ..he just sits there and watches, Doesn't seem bothered at all by this curious critter!

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