Yes I know about the quick stop and may pick some up, problem is he's afraid of me doing it now

And the groomer does it so fast and so good, the tails are not as scratchy as when I do it.
Meg how often do they usually need nails trimmed?
I just take him in when he starts scratching us with his nails and they click on the floor. I'm sure I can go a little longer but how long is too long?
And for brushing combing him, he's a Maltese and was clipped the summer because he was having heat seizures. It's still not full brown but the mats are unreal.
His under arms and around his neck is the worst. I comb him everyday using a tipped brush first, then my my chinchilla comb and a fine hooked rakey type for the finish.
And what about detanglers , is there such for dogs???
What types of conditioners are best?
LOL so glad you said you were a groomer.