Very cute pics! Love the babies and they look to be loving all over you in the photos!

I don't want to change the topic however, but if you look into ebonies and their history or ask old timers (those who've been around 40+ years...), they can explain it better than I ever could. I just know what I have always been told and the ebony mutations here were all bred together. Those overseas, kept their charcoals and ebonies apart, so you will see recessive charcoals mentioned that look like the typical medium ebony over here... Those recessive charcoal when bred to standards, just produce crisp white bellied standards that carry the charcoal gene. You have to breed two charcoal carriers together or a charcoal with a charcoal carrier, in order to produce more charcoals.
I do know I personally had an ebony born out of a chinchilla, that had no ebony traceable in the first six generations of her pedigree. I had to go back further, to find one ebony carrier way back on her dad's side of the history, to figure out how come I had an every hair shiny black ebony/poss sapphire carrier born in the litter. Her sibling in the litter was a solid sapphire and the other sibling was just a standard/poss sc appearing animal (crisp white belly!) and looked the spitting image of her mom and parents. You'd never have guessed there was ebony in the background at all, till looking further back on the pedigrees of the parents. Just to give an example of how tricky the mutation is.