So today I heard squeking when I was feeding my snake, and turned real quick, and noticed a tail coming from under my females stomach!!

I got a lil frieked out, but once I got close to the cage Sasha jumped outa the way and there it was... one super cute baby! Then outa the corner of my eye I spotted another one jumping into some ferret toys just laying in the room! It had jumped outa the cage and musta been squeeking to find her momma!

It came to my hand right away and I put it right back with its mom, and was so stunned I didn't know what else to do but take pics and call my fiance!
After I calmed down and reality hit me, I weighed them (28 & 33 grams) and put the 2 babies and their mom in a smaller cage with smaller bars!
After adding in the gestation length, it looks like it HAS to be babies of Gizmo!

WOOHOO Way to go!!
So now I have 2 babies, and I have been already planning for a few weeks to go pick up 2 females from a friend because she is moving and pets are not allowed! So we are fully stocked!
so here they are!