Instead of burnt toast, try a shredded wheat square. The charcoal of the burnt toast is used to help absorb the extra water in the GI tract, but might absorb too much if the stool is just a bit soft and not actually liquidy. Give no other treats. Acidophilus can also help. Be sure that your chin is still drinking water, as this is the only way to maintain hydration. Dehydration is one of the effects of diarrhea. If she is not drinking water, try adding a second bottle to the cage with a bit of Pedialyte for added electrolytes. If the stool does not return to normal or gets any worse after two to three days, be sure to take her to a vet to have a fecal exam done. At that time, you might also try giving your chin some cherry flavored Kaopectate for children. If the diarrhea does not clear up within a day or two with giving one or two doses of Kaopectate a day, you can try mixing 1/4 teaspoon of Metamucil in with one ounce of yogurt and feeding it to your chin. If the diarrhea still does not clear up within a day or two, your chin should go back to the vet for blood tests. Be sure to weigh your chin daily during this process. Weight loss can affect the over-all health of your chin and should be taken very seriously.