Awww I was so sad today at Petco....I had to go and get dust for my chins, and for some reason the pet store that is close to me doesn't sell dust only the sand which I won't use, so I traveled over to Petco and I walked in...and there it was.....the chinny "cage" There was about 6 chinchillas in there, all male according to the sign, looking to be pretty young. They were standards, except they were selling one as a "fancy chinchilla" for 170.00 which looked to be a beige mutation of some sort. They were all huddled in this little home sleeping....except one kept coming out and looking at me, I was so sad...I felt so bad for them in this glass octagon, almost no ventilation, no toys, no love, cage being tapped on by kids. Just broke my heart I couldn't walk away from them I kept standing down at them talking to them.
My husband said, if you want to get another cage and another chin, go ahead...but I said even if I had all the money in the world and could buy all the chins on the spot and house them, they would just order more and the vicious process would go on and on. Then I'd go back over in a month and there'd be 5 more there. And I dont want to have a chin thats going to suffer from malocclusion in 2 years and send us through that heartbreak
And, I hope I don't sound selfish here, but I have a high-quality pedigree breeding pair coming in this weekend, and I don't want to give up their space :-[
Thanks for listening to me ramble....I can still picture their little faces in that aweful place, I wish there was something I could do