On the subject of
yogurt ... 1/2 to 1 teaspoon weekly is good. BUT ... if they are on medication, especially an antibiotic ... I let them have all the yogurt they want (up to 2 teaspoons), but, it must be given 1/2 way between the doses of medication/antibiotic
for as long as they are on the medication. Yogurt is a milk product ... milk products and antibiotics should never be used at the same time. Antibiotics kill all bacteria, even the good bacteria that is referred to as flora in the digestive system. This can shut down a chinchillas digestive system, killing the chin ... the yogurt puts the flora (good bacteria) back into the system, so that it can operate properly.

If given at the same time, they will cancel each other out and it will be as if you have done nothing to help the little chin. My chins prefer strawberry and blueberry flavors. I love it when they grind their teeth and smack their lips ... that is a definite "That stuff is delicious!" reaction. I have one chin that literally cries for it, so I have to give it some first and last.
Sugar Added? You always want to get the lowest sugar and lowest salt content as possible. I give my little ones mini wheats (no sugar or spicey or sweet adatives), dried papaya, dried rose hips, and naturally dried raisins and cranraisins (dried cranberry). You want the treats to be as natural as they can be ... with the least addatives ...
no preseratives, if possible.
Trimming nails? I've never tried, and don't think I would want to try that either. The lava stones/bites they have usually keep the nails on the front paws trimmed as well as the teeth. I have seen some of my little ones standing on a fresh lava stone and doing what looks like a chicken scratching the ground ... I hadn't thought of it before, but I guess they were trimming the back nails when doing this.

Jo Ann