i've been here years ago..its been a while.
i'm a breeder in fayetteville, NC. i've been in chinchillas since 01 and love every single part of it. i really love cage cleaning because you get up and personal with every chinchilla. and the fresh bedding scent is a plus.
i am owned by a saint bernard that suffers from separation anxiety (sp?) and doesnt understand that not ever single minute of my life must be spent touching and/or filling his food bowl. but i love him to peices. (he had a very horrible start in life...its a long story).
i also have two hamsters that i named after my two friends that moved to new york to be "dancers". Fabio is a black/white long haired and Rafael is an orange hamster that i think is going to turn out to be a long haired also but he is just a baby right now.
um....i think thats it...