Random files - Aileen's Gallery |
Beige/white cross 2 days old53 viewsThis is a beautiful dense furred kit, good natured and will not be sold as will be shown for one season. then put with a mate
Mosaic Kit118 viewsTinkerbelle when 3weeks old. She is a lovely kit who will never be sold. will show her when old enough.
violet name Precious153 viewsviolet 6months. lovely strong fur and well shaped.
70 viewsPepsi a violet. now sold to Alister
62 viewsLiquorice ~ebony~ mates name is Lady Snooty shown in album too with her kits
108 viewsTipper my son's chinchilla
Snooty129 viewsthis mum is called Sooty: seen here with her two ebony kits. These kits only two days old when pic taken, she always has big kits.Dad's name is Liquorice
Smudge95 viewsThis is my brown velvet. destined for next show. This pic was taken when 3months. Now a much bigger chinnie
Last additions - Aileen's Gallery |
Magic my Black Velvet won a 1st award at scottish show82 viewsMar 28, 2007
Smudge95 viewsThis is my brown velvet. destined for next show. This pic was taken when 3months. Now a much bigger chinnieMar 28, 2007
Snooty129 viewsthis mum is called Sooty: seen here with her two ebony kits. These kits only two days old when pic taken, she always has big kits.Dad's name is LiquoriceMar 28, 2007
136 viewsTipper who is a silver. Grand Show champ, Scottish show. what a nibbler tipper is! even ribbons don't escape!Mar 28, 2007
85 viewsName, Buck,brother to Floppy NCS National Grand Show Champ winner 2003Mar 28, 2007
108 viewsTipper my son's chinchillaMar 28, 2007
62 viewsLiquorice ~ebony~ mates name is Lady Snooty shown in album too with her kits Mar 28, 2007
70 viewsPepsi a violet. now sold to AlisterMar 28, 2007